Source code for valis.viz

"""Various functions used to visualize registration results

import colour
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import draw, color, exposure, transform
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram
from scipy.spatial import distance
import numpy as np
# import numba as nb

import cv2
import platform

from . import warp_tools
# JzAzBz #
DXDY_CRANGE = (0, 0.025)
DXDY_LRANGE = (0.004, 0.015)

if platform.system() == 'Windows' or platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    uniTupleDtype = np.int32
    uniTupleDtype = np.int64

# CAM16-UCS #
# DXDY_CRANGE = (0, 0.5)
# DXDY_LRANGE = (0.5, 0.9)

def draw_outline(img, mask, clr=(100, 240, 39), thickness=2):
    """Draw mask outline around an image

    img : ndarray
        Image on which to draw the mask outline

    mask : ndarray
        Mask to draw outline of

    clr : ndarray
        RGB (0-255) color of outline

    thicknes : int
        Thickness of outline

    outline_img : ndarray
        Copy of `img` with the outline of `mask` drawn on it


    outline_img = img.copy()
    if outline_img.ndim == 2:
        outline_img = np.dstack([outline_img for i in range(3)])

    outline_img = outline_img.astype(np.uint8)

    detection_mask = 255*(mask != 0).astype(np.uint8)
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(detection_mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    int_color = [int(i) for i in clr]
    for cnt in contours:
        outline_img = cv2.drawContours(outline_img, [cnt], 0, color=int_color, thickness=thickness)

    return outline_img

[docs] def draw_features(kp_xy, image, n_features=500): """Draw keypoints on a image """ image = exposure.rescale_intensity(image, out_range=(0, 255)) if image.ndim == 2: feature_img = color.gray2rgb(image) else: feature_img = image.copy() rad = int(np.mean(feature_img.shape) / 100) n_kp = len(kp_xy) if n_kp < n_features: n_features = n_kp for c, r in kp_xy[0:n_features].astype( circ_r, circ_c = draw.circle_perimeter(r, c, rad, shape=image.shape[0:2]) feature_img[circ_r, circ_c] = np.random.randint(0, 256, 3) return feature_img
[docs] def draw_matches(src_img, kp1_xy, dst_img, kp2_xy, rad=3, alignment='horizontal'): """Draw feature matches between two images Parameters ---------- src_img : ndarray Image associated with `kp1_xy` kp1_xy : ndarray xy coordinates of feature points found in `src_img` dst_img : ndarray Image associated with `kp2_xy` kp2_xy : ndarray xy coordinates of feature points found in `dst_img` rad : int Radius of circles used to draw feature points alignment : string How to stack the images, either 'veritcal' or 'horizontal'. Returns ------- feature_img : ndarray Image show corresponding features of `src_img` and `dst_img` """ all_dims = np.array([src_img.shape[:2], dst_img.shape[:2]]) out_shape = np.max(all_dims, axis=0)[0:2] padded_src, src_T = warp_tools.pad_img(src_img, out_shape) padded_dst, dst_T = warp_tools.pad_img(dst_img, out_shape) if padded_src.ndim == 2: padded_src = np.dstack([padded_src]*3) if padded_dst.ndim == 2: padded_dst = np.dstack([padded_dst]*3) if not padded_src.dtype == np.uint8: padded_src = exposure.rescale_intensity(padded_src, out_range=np.uint8) if not padded_src.dtype == np.uint8: padded_dst = exposure.rescale_intensity(padded_dst, out_range=np.uint8) if alignment.lower().startswith("v"): feature_img = np.vstack([padded_src, padded_dst]) dst_xy_shift = np.array([0, out_shape[0]]) else: feature_img = np.hstack([padded_src, padded_dst]) dst_xy_shift = np.array([out_shape[1], 0]) dst_T[0:2, 2] -= dst_xy_shift dst_xy_in_feature_img = warp_tools.warp_xy(kp2_xy, M=dst_T) src_xy_in_feature_img = warp_tools.warp_xy(kp1_xy, M=src_T) n_pt = np.min([kp1_xy.shape[0], kp2_xy.shape[0]]) cmap = (255*jzazbz_cmap()).astype(np.uint8) all_color_idx = np.arange(0, cmap.shape[0]) colors = cmap[np.random.choice(all_color_idx, n_pt), :] for i in range(n_pt): xy1 = src_xy_in_feature_img[i] xy2 = dst_xy_in_feature_img[i] pt_color = colors[i] circ_rc_1 = draw.ellipse(*xy1[::-1], rad, rad, shape=feature_img.shape) circ_rc_2 = draw.ellipse(*xy2[::-1], rad, rad, shape=feature_img.shape) line_rc = np.array(draw.line_aa(*np.round(xy1[::-1]).astype(int), *np.round(xy2[::-1]).astype(int))) line_rc[0] = np.clip(line_rc[0], 0, feature_img.shape[0]-1).astype(int) line_rc[1] = np.clip(line_rc[1], 0, feature_img.shape[1]-1).astype(int) feature_img[line_rc[0].astype(int), line_rc[1].astype(int)] = pt_color*line_rc[2][..., np.newaxis] feature_img[circ_rc_1] = pt_color feature_img[circ_rc_2] = pt_color return feature_img
def draw_clusterd_D(D, optimal_Z): """Draw clustered distance matrix with dendrograms along the axes """ fig = plt.figure() axdendro = fig.add_axes([0.013, 0.05, 0.1, 0.798]) Z = dendrogram(optimal_Z, orientation='left', link_color_func=lambda k: "black") axdendro.set_xticks([]) axdendro.set_yticks([]) axdendro.axis('off') axdendro.invert_yaxis() axdendro_top = fig.add_axes([0.115, 0.85, 0.6, 0.14]) Z_top = dendrogram(optimal_Z, orientation='top', link_color_func=lambda k: "black") axdendro_top.set_xticks([]) axdendro_top.set_yticks([]) axdendro_top.axis('off') axmatrix = fig.add_axes([0.115, 0.05, 0.6, 0.798]) im = axmatrix.matshow(D, aspect='auto', cmap="plasma_r") axmatrix.set_xticks([]) axmatrix.set_yticks([]) axcolor = fig.add_axes([0.75, 0.05, 0.03, 0.798]) plt.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor) # Non-rigid visualization # # @nb.njit() def get_grid(shape, grid_spacing, thickness=1): """ Get points for a grid. Can be used to view deformation field Parameters ---------- shape : (int, int) dimensions of image upon which the grid will be drawn grid_spacing : int Space between grid points thickness : int, optional line thickness Returns ------- grid_rows, grid_cols : 2 ndarray 2, 1D arrays, which each element corresponding to a point in the grid """ all_rows = [] all_cols = [] row_add_idx = 0 for k in range(thickness): for i in np.arange(grid_spacing - thickness, shape[0] + thickness, grid_spacing): for j in np.arange(0, shape[1]): if k%2 == 0: r = i + row_add_idx elif k%2 != 0: r = i - row_add_idx if r >= 0 and r < shape[0]: all_rows.append(r) all_cols.append(j) if k % 2 == 0: row_add_idx += 1 col_add_idx = 0 for k in range(thickness): for j in np.arange(grid_spacing - thickness, shape[1], grid_spacing): for i in np.arange(0, shape[0]): if k%2 == 0: c = j + col_add_idx elif k%2 != 0: c = j - col_add_idx if c >= 0 and c < shape[1]: all_rows.append(i) all_cols.append(c) if k % 2 == 0: col_add_idx += 1 return np.array(all_rows, dtype=uniTupleDtype), np.array(all_cols, dtype=uniTupleDtype)
[docs] def jzazbz_cmap(luminosity=0.012, colorfulness=0.02, max_h=260): """ Get colormap based on JzAzBz colorspace, which has good hue linearity. Already preceptually uniform. Parameters ---------- luminosity : float, optional colorfulness : float, optional max_h : int, optional """ h = np.deg2rad(np.arange(0, 360)) a = colorfulness * np.cos(h) b = colorfulness * np.sin(h) j = np.repeat(luminosity, len(h)) jzazbz = np.dstack([j, a, b]) with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(colour_usage_warnings=True): rgb = colour.convert(jzazbz, 'JzAzBz', 'sRGB') rgb = np.clip(rgb, 0, 1)[0] if max_h != 360: rgb = rgb[0:max_h] return rgb
[docs] def cam16ucs_cmap(luminosity=0.8, colorfulness=0.5, max_h=300): """ Get colormap based on CAM16-UCS colorspace. Parameters ---------- luminosity : float, optional colorfulness : float, optional max_h : int, optional """ h = np.deg2rad(np.arange(0, 360)) a = colorfulness * np.cos(h) b = colorfulness * np.sin(h) j = np.repeat(luminosity, len(h)) eps = np.finfo("float").eps cam = np.dstack([j, a+eps, b+eps]) with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(colour_usage_warnings=True): rgb = colour.convert(cam, 'CAM16UCS', 'sRGB') rgb = np.clip(rgb, 0, 1)[0] if max_h != 360: rgb = rgb[0:max_h] return rgb
def make_cbar(rgb, bar_height=30): cbar = np.tile(rgb[np.newaxis].T, bar_height).T return cbar def rgb_triangle_cmap(): total_n = 360 n = total_n//3 max_v = 0.9 min_v = 1 - max_v tri_edges_x = np.hstack([np.linspace(min_v, max_v, n*2), np.linspace(max_v - 1/n, min_v + 1/n, n)]) tri_edges_y = np.hstack([np.linspace(min_v, max_v, n), np.linspace(max_v - 1/n, min_v, n), np.repeat(min_v, n)]) tri_edges_xy = np.dstack([tri_edges_x, tri_edges_y])[0] T = np.array([[-1., -0.5], [0., 1.]]) bary_xy = np.array([np.linalg.inv(T) @ (tri_edges_xy[i] - np.array([ 1., 0.])) for i in range(len(tri_edges_xy))]) bary_z = 1 - np.sum(bary_xy, axis=1) rgb = np.array([bary_xy[:, 0], bary_xy[:, 1], bary_z]).T return rgb
[docs] def turbo_cmap(): """Turbo colormap """ # The look-up table contains 256 entries. Each entry is a floating point sRGB triplet. # To use it with matplotlib, pass cmap=ListedColormap(turbo_colormap_data) as an arg to imshow() (don't forget "from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap"). # If you have a typical 8-bit greyscale image, you can use the 8-bit value to index into this LUT directly. # The floating point color values can be converted to 8-bit sRGB via multiplying by 255 and casting/flooring to an integer. Saturation should not be required for IEEE-754 compliant arithmetic. # If you have a floating point value in the range [0,1], you can use interpolate() to linearly interpolate between the entries. # If you have 16-bit or 32-bit integer values, convert them to floating point values on the [0,1] range and then use interpolate(). Doing the interpolation in floating point will reduce banding. # If some of your values may lie outside the [0,1] range, use interpolate_or_clip() to highlight them. turbo_colormap_data = np.array([[0.18995, 0.07176, 0.23217], [0.19483, 0.08339, 0.26149], [0.19956, 0.09498, 0.29024], [0.20415, 0.10652, 0.31844], [0.20860, 0.11802, 0.34607], [0.21291, 0.12947, 0.37314], [0.21708, 0.14087, 0.39964], [0.22111, 0.15223, 0.42558], [0.22500, 0.16354, 0.45096], [0.22875, 0.17481, 0.47578], [0.23236, 0.18603, 0.50004], [0.23582, 0.19720, 0.52373], [0.23915, 0.20833, 0.54686], [0.24234, 0.21941, 0.56942], [0.24539, 0.23044, 0.59142], [0.24830, 0.24143, 0.61286], [0.25107, 0.25237, 0.63374], [0.25369, 0.26327, 0.65406], [0.25618, 0.27412, 0.67381], [0.25853, 0.28492, 0.69300], [0.26074, 0.29568, 0.71162], [0.26280, 0.30639, 0.72968], [0.26473, 0.31706, 0.74718], [0.26652, 0.32768, 0.76412], [0.26816, 0.33825, 0.78050], [0.26967, 0.34878, 0.79631], [0.27103, 0.35926, 0.81156], [0.27226, 0.36970, 0.82624], [0.27334, 0.38008, 0.84037], [0.27429, 0.39043, 0.85393], [0.27509, 0.40072, 0.86692], [0.27576, 0.41097, 0.87936], [0.27628, 0.42118, 0.89123], [0.27667, 0.43134, 0.90254], [0.27691, 0.44145, 0.91328], [0.27701, 0.45152, 0.92347], [0.27698, 0.46153, 0.93309], [0.27680, 0.47151, 0.94214], [0.27648, 0.48144, 0.95064], [0.27603, 0.49132, 0.95857], [0.27543, 0.50115, 0.96594], [0.27469, 0.51094, 0.97275], [0.27381, 0.52069, 0.97899], [0.27273, 0.53040, 0.98461], [0.27106, 0.54015, 0.98930], [0.26878, 0.54995, 0.99303], [0.26592, 0.55979, 0.99583], [0.26252, 0.56967, 0.99773], [0.25862, 0.57958, 0.99876], [0.25425, 0.58950, 0.99896], [0.24946, 0.59943, 0.99835], [0.24427, 0.60937, 0.99697], [0.23874, 0.61931, 0.99485], [0.23288, 0.62923, 0.99202], [0.22676, 0.63913, 0.98851], [0.22039, 0.64901, 0.98436], [0.21382, 0.65886, 0.97959], [0.20708, 0.66866, 0.97423], [0.20021, 0.67842, 0.96833], [0.19326, 0.68812, 0.96190], [0.18625, 0.69775, 0.95498], [0.17923, 0.70732, 0.94761], [0.17223, 0.71680, 0.93981], [0.16529, 0.72620, 0.93161], [0.15844, 0.73551, 0.92305], [0.15173, 0.74472, 0.91416], [0.14519, 0.75381, 0.90496], [0.13886, 0.76279, 0.89550], [0.13278, 0.77165, 0.88580], [0.12698, 0.78037, 0.87590], [0.12151, 0.78896, 0.86581], [0.11639, 0.79740, 0.85559], [0.11167, 0.80569, 0.84525], [0.10738, 0.81381, 0.83484], [0.10357, 0.82177, 0.82437], [0.10026, 0.82955, 0.81389], [0.09750, 0.83714, 0.80342], [0.09532, 0.84455, 0.79299], [0.09377, 0.85175, 0.78264], [0.09287, 0.85875, 0.77240], [0.09267, 0.86554, 0.76230], [0.09320, 0.87211, 0.75237], [0.09451, 0.87844, 0.74265], [0.09662, 0.88454, 0.73316], [0.09958, 0.89040, 0.72393], [0.10342, 0.89600, 0.71500], [0.10815, 0.90142, 0.70599], [0.11374, 0.90673, 0.69651], [0.12014, 0.91193, 0.68660], [0.12733, 0.91701, 0.67627], [0.13526, 0.92197, 0.66556], [0.14391, 0.92680, 0.65448], [0.15323, 0.93151, 0.64308], [0.16319, 0.93609, 0.63137], [0.17377, 0.94053, 0.61938], [0.18491, 0.94484, 0.60713], [0.19659, 0.94901, 0.59466], [0.20877, 0.95304, 0.58199], [0.22142, 0.95692, 0.56914], [0.23449, 0.96065, 0.55614], [0.24797, 0.96423, 0.54303], [0.26180, 0.96765, 0.52981], [0.27597, 0.97092, 0.51653], [0.29042, 0.97403, 0.50321], [0.30513, 0.97697, 0.48987], [0.32006, 0.97974, 0.47654], [0.33517, 0.98234, 0.46325], [0.35043, 0.98477, 0.45002], [0.36581, 0.98702, 0.43688], [0.38127, 0.98909, 0.42386], [0.39678, 0.99098, 0.41098], [0.41229, 0.99268, 0.39826], [0.42778, 0.99419, 0.38575], [0.44321, 0.99551, 0.37345], [0.45854, 0.99663, 0.36140], [0.47375, 0.99755, 0.34963], [0.48879, 0.99828, 0.33816], [0.50362, 0.99879, 0.32701], [0.51822, 0.99910, 0.31622], [0.53255, 0.99919, 0.30581], [0.54658, 0.99907, 0.29581], [0.56026, 0.99873, 0.28623], [0.57357, 0.99817, 0.27712], [0.58646, 0.99739, 0.26849], [0.59891, 0.99638, 0.26038], [0.61088, 0.99514, 0.25280], [0.62233, 0.99366, 0.24579], [0.63323, 0.99195, 0.23937], [0.64362, 0.98999, 0.23356], [0.65394, 0.98775, 0.22835], [0.66428, 0.98524, 0.22370], [0.67462, 0.98246, 0.21960], [0.68494, 0.97941, 0.21602], [0.69525, 0.97610, 0.21294], [0.70553, 0.97255, 0.21032], [0.71577, 0.96875, 0.20815], [0.72596, 0.96470, 0.20640], [0.73610, 0.96043, 0.20504], [0.74617, 0.95593, 0.20406], [0.75617, 0.95121, 0.20343], [0.76608, 0.94627, 0.20311], [0.77591, 0.94113, 0.20310], [0.78563, 0.93579, 0.20336], [0.79524, 0.93025, 0.20386], [0.80473, 0.92452, 0.20459], [0.81410, 0.91861, 0.20552], [0.82333, 0.91253, 0.20663], [0.83241, 0.90627, 0.20788], [0.84133, 0.89986, 0.20926], [0.85010, 0.89328, 0.21074], [0.85868, 0.88655, 0.21230], [0.86709, 0.87968, 0.21391], [0.87530, 0.87267, 0.21555], [0.88331, 0.86553, 0.21719], [0.89112, 0.85826, 0.21880], [0.89870, 0.85087, 0.22038], [0.90605, 0.84337, 0.22188], [0.91317, 0.83576, 0.22328], [0.92004, 0.82806, 0.22456], [0.92666, 0.82025, 0.22570], [0.93301, 0.81236, 0.22667], [0.93909, 0.80439, 0.22744], [0.94489, 0.79634, 0.22800], [0.95039, 0.78823, 0.22831], [0.95560, 0.78005, 0.22836], [0.96049, 0.77181, 0.22811], [0.96507, 0.76352, 0.22754], [0.96931, 0.75519, 0.22663], [0.97323, 0.74682, 0.22536], [0.97679, 0.73842, 0.22369], [0.98000, 0.73000, 0.22161], [0.98289, 0.72140, 0.21918], [0.98549, 0.71250, 0.21650], [0.98781, 0.70330, 0.21358], [0.98986, 0.69382, 0.21043], [0.99163, 0.68408, 0.20706], [0.99314, 0.67408, 0.20348], [0.99438, 0.66386, 0.19971], [0.99535, 0.65341, 0.19577], [0.99607, 0.64277, 0.19165], [0.99654, 0.63193, 0.18738], [0.99675, 0.62093, 0.18297], [0.99672, 0.60977, 0.17842], [0.99644, 0.59846, 0.17376], [0.99593, 0.58703, 0.16899], [0.99517, 0.57549, 0.16412], [0.99419, 0.56386, 0.15918], [0.99297, 0.55214, 0.15417], [0.99153, 0.54036, 0.14910], [0.98987, 0.52854, 0.14398], [0.98799, 0.51667, 0.13883], [0.98590, 0.50479, 0.13367], [0.98360, 0.49291, 0.12849], [0.98108, 0.48104, 0.12332], [0.97837, 0.46920, 0.11817], [0.97545, 0.45740, 0.11305], [0.97234, 0.44565, 0.10797], [0.96904, 0.43399, 0.10294], [0.96555, 0.42241, 0.09798], [0.96187, 0.41093, 0.09310], [0.95801, 0.39958, 0.08831], [0.95398, 0.38836, 0.08362], [0.94977, 0.37729, 0.07905], [0.94538, 0.36638, 0.07461], [0.94084, 0.35566, 0.07031], [0.93612, 0.34513, 0.06616], [0.93125, 0.33482, 0.06218], [0.92623, 0.32473, 0.05837], [0.92105, 0.31489, 0.05475], [0.91572, 0.30530, 0.05134], [0.91024, 0.29599, 0.04814], [0.90463, 0.28696, 0.04516], [0.89888, 0.27824, 0.04243], [0.89298, 0.26981, 0.03993], [0.88691, 0.26152, 0.03753], [0.88066, 0.25334, 0.03521], [0.87422, 0.24526, 0.03297], [0.86760, 0.23730, 0.03082], [0.86079, 0.22945, 0.02875], [0.85380, 0.22170, 0.02677], [0.84662, 0.21407, 0.02487], [0.83926, 0.20654, 0.02305], [0.83172, 0.19912, 0.02131], [0.82399, 0.19182, 0.01966], [0.81608, 0.18462, 0.01809], [0.80799, 0.17753, 0.01660], [0.79971, 0.17055, 0.01520], [0.79125, 0.16368, 0.01387], [0.78260, 0.15693, 0.01264], [0.77377, 0.15028, 0.01148], [0.76476, 0.14374, 0.01041], [0.75556, 0.13731, 0.00942], [0.74617, 0.13098, 0.00851], [0.73661, 0.12477, 0.00769], [0.72686, 0.11867, 0.00695], [0.71692, 0.11268, 0.00629], [0.70680, 0.10680, 0.00571], [0.69650, 0.10102, 0.00522], [0.68602, 0.09536, 0.00481], [0.67535, 0.08980, 0.00449], [0.66449, 0.08436, 0.00424], [0.65345, 0.07902, 0.00408], [0.64223, 0.07380, 0.00401], [0.63082, 0.06868, 0.00401], [0.61923, 0.06367, 0.00410], [0.60746, 0.05878, 0.00427], [0.59550, 0.05399, 0.00453], [0.58336, 0.04931, 0.00486], [0.57103, 0.04474, 0.00529], [0.55852, 0.04028, 0.00579], [0.54583, 0.03593, 0.00638], [0.53295, 0.03169, 0.00705], [0.51989, 0.02756, 0.00780], [0.50664, 0.02354, 0.00863], [0.49321, 0.01963, 0.00955], [0.47960, 0.01583, 0.01055]]) return turbo_colormap_data
[docs] def get_n_colors(rgb, n): """ Pick n most different colors in rgb. Differences based of rgb values in the CAM16UCS colorspace Based on """ with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(colour_usage_warnings=True): if 1 < rgb.max() <= 255 and np.issubdtype(rgb.dtype, np.integer): cam = colour.convert(rgb/255, 'sRGB', 'CAM16UCS') else: cam = colour.convert(rgb, 'sRGB', 'CAM16UCS') sq_D = distance.cdist(cam, cam) max_D = sq_D.max() most_dif_2Didx = np.where(sq_D == max_D) # 2 most different colors most_dif_img1 = most_dif_2Didx[0][0] most_dif_img2 = most_dif_2Didx[1][0] rgb_idx = [most_dif_img1, most_dif_img2] possible_idx = list(range(sq_D.shape[0])) possible_idx.remove(most_dif_img1) possible_idx.remove(most_dif_img2) for new_color in range(2, n): max_d_idx = np.argmax([np.min(sq_D[i, rgb_idx]) for i in possible_idx]) new_rgb_idx = possible_idx[max_d_idx] rgb_idx.append(new_rgb_idx) possible_idx.remove(new_rgb_idx) return rgb[rgb_idx]
# @nb.njit(fastmath=True, cache=True) def blend_colors(img, colors, scale_by): """ Color an image by blending Parameters ---------- img : ndarray Image containing the raw data (float 32) colors : ndarray Colors for each channel in `img` scale_by : int How to scale each channel. "image" will scale the channel by the maximum value in the image. "channel" will scale the channel by the maximum in the channel Returns ------- blended_img : ndarray A colored version of `img` """ if len(colors) > 1: n_channel_colors = colors.shape[1] else: n_channel_colors = len(colors) if img.ndim > 2: r, c, nc = img.shape[:3] else: nc = 1 r, c = img.shape[2] eps = 1.0000000000000001e-15 sum_img = img.sum(axis=2) + eps if scale_by == "image": img_max = img.max() blended_img = np.zeros((r, c, n_channel_colors)) for i in range(nc): # relative image is how bright the channel will be if scale_by != "image": channel_max = img[..., i].max() relative_img = img[..., i] / channel_max else: relative_img = img[..., i]/img_max # blending is how to weight the mix of colors, similar to an alpha channel blending = img[..., i]/sum_img for j in range(colors.shape[1]): channel_color = colors[i, j] blended_img[..., j] += channel_color * relative_img * blending return blended_img
[docs] def color_multichannel(multichannel_img, marker_colors, rescale_channels=False, normalize_by="image", cspace="Hunter Lab"): """Color a multichannel image to view as RGB Parameters ---------- multichannel_img : ndarray Image to color marker_colors : ndarray sRGB colors for each channel. rescale_channels : bool If True, then each channel will be scaled between 0 and 1 before building the composite RGB image. This will allow markers to 'pop' in areas where they are expressed in isolation, but can also make it appear more marker is expressed than there really is. normalize_by : str, optionaal "image" will produce an image where all values are scaled between 0 and the highest intensity in the composite image. This will produce an image where one can see the expression of each marker relative to the others, making it easier to compare marker expression levels. "channel" will first scale the intensity of each channel, and then blend all of the channels together. This will allow one to see the relative expression of each marker, but won't allow one to directly compare the expression of markers across channels. cspace : str Colorspace in which `marker_colors` will be blended. JzAzBz, Hunter Lab, and sRGB all work well. But, see colour.COLOURSPACE_MODELS for other possible colorspaces Returns ------- rgb : ndarray An sRGB version of `multichannel_img` """ if rescale_channels: multichannel_img = np.dstack([exposure.rescale_intensity(multichannel_img[..., i].astype(float), in_range="image", out_range=(0, 1)) for i in range(multichannel_img.shape[2])]) is_srgb = cspace.lower() == "srgb" is_srgb_01 = True if 1 < marker_colors.max() <= 255 and np.issubdtype(marker_colors.dtype, np.integer): srgb_01 = marker_colors/255 is_srgb_01 = False else: srgb_01 = marker_colors eps = np.finfo("float").eps if not is_srgb: with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(colour_usage_warnings=True): cspace_colors = colour.convert(srgb_01 + eps, 'sRGB', cspace) else: cspace_colors = srgb_01 blended_img = blend_colors(multichannel_img, cspace_colors, normalize_by) if not is_srgb: with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(colour_usage_warnings=True): srgb_blended = colour.convert(blended_img + eps, cspace, 'sRGB') - 2*eps else: srgb_blended = blended_img srgb_blended = np.clip(srgb_blended, 0, 1) if not is_srgb_01: srgb_blended = (255 * srgb_blended).astype(marker_colors.dtype) return srgb_blended
[docs] def color_dxdy(dx, dy, c_range=DXDY_CRANGE, l_range=DXDY_LRANGE, cspace=DXDY_CSPACE): """ Color displacement, where larger displacements are more colorful, and, if scale_l=True, brighter. Parameters ---------- dx: array 1D Array containing the displacement in the X (column) direction dy: array 1D Array containing the displacement in the Y (row) direction c_range: (float, float) Minimum and maximum colorfulness in JzAzBz colorspace l_range: (float, float) Minimum and maximum luminosity in JzAzBz colorspace scale_l: boolean Scale the luminosity based on magnitude of displacement Returns ------- displacement_rgb : array RGB (0, 255) color for each displacement, with the same shape as dx and dy """ initial_shape = dx.shape dx = dx.reshape(-1) dy = dy.reshape(-1) if np.all(dx==0) and np.all(dy==0): # No displacements. Return grey image with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(colour_usage_warnings=True): bg_rgb = colour.convert(np.dstack([l_range[0], 0, 0]), cspace, 'sRGB')*255 displacement_rgb = np.full((*initial_shape, 3), bg_rgb).astype(np.uint8) return displacement_rgb eps = np.finfo("float").eps magnitude = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + eps) C = exposure.rescale_intensity(magnitude, in_range=(0, magnitude.max()), out_range=tuple(c_range)) H = np.arctan2(dy.T, dx.T) A, B = C * np.cos(H), C * np.sin(H) J = exposure.rescale_intensity(magnitude, in_range=(0, magnitude.max()), out_range=tuple(l_range)) with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(colour_usage_warnings=True): rgb = colour.convert(np.dstack([J, A+eps, B+eps]), cspace, 'sRGB') displacement_rgb = (255*np.clip(rgb, 0, 1)).astype(np.uint8).reshape((*initial_shape, 3)) return displacement_rgb
def displacement_legend(): X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100) Y = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) R = np.sqrt(X ** 2 + Y ** 2) C = np.sin(R) C = exposure.rescale_intensity(C, out_range=(0, 1)) grad = np.linspace(-1, 1, X.shape[0]) grad = np.resize(grad, X.shape) dx = grad*C dy = grad.T * C displacement_legend = color_dxdy(dx, dy, DXDY_CRANGE, DXDY_LRANGE, cspace=DXDY_CSPACE) return displacement_legend def draw_displacement_legend(): leg = displacement_legend() fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.locator_params(nbins=10) ax.imshow(leg) ax.set_xticklabels(["", "--", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", "", "+"]) ax.set_yticklabels(["", "+", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", "", "--"]) ax.set_xlabel('dx') ax.set_ylabel('dy')
[docs] def color_displacement_grid(bk_dx, bk_dy, c_range=DXDY_CRANGE, l_range=DXDY_LRANGE, thickness=None, grid_spacing_ratio=0.02, cspace=DXDY_CSPACE): """Color a displacement grid """ grid_spacing = np.max(np.array(bk_dx.shape)*grid_spacing_ratio).astype(int) min_dim = np.min(bk_dx.shape) if thickness is None: thickness = int(np.ceil((grid_spacing/min_dim)*15)) if thickness < 1: thickness = 1 grid_r, grid_c = get_grid(bk_dx.shape, grid_spacing, thickness) grid_colors = color_dxdy(bk_dx[grid_r, grid_c], bk_dy[grid_r, grid_c], c_range=c_range, l_range=l_range, cspace=cspace) # Warp image of grid grid_img = np.zeros((*bk_dx.shape, 3)) grid_img[grid_r, grid_c] = grid_colors img_r, img_c = np.indices(bk_dx.shape) img_warp_r = img_r + bk_dy[img_r, img_c] img_warp_c = img_c + bk_dx[img_r, img_c] img_warp_r = np.clip(img_warp_r, 0, bk_dx.shape[0] - 1) img_warp_c = np.clip(img_warp_c, 0, bk_dx.shape[1] - 1) warped_hcl = [None] * 3 for i in range(3): warped_hcl[i] = transform.warp(grid_img[..., i], np.array([img_warp_r, img_warp_c])) grid_img = np.dstack(warped_hcl).astype(np.uint8) return grid_img
def draw_trimesh(shape_rc, tri_verts, tri_faces, thickness=2): """Draw a triangular mesh """ tri_img = np.zeros(shape_rc) for face in tri_faces: verts = tri_verts[face] # make sure points are clockwise cx, cy = np.mean(verts, axis=0) pt_order = np.argsort([np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(xy[1]-cy, xy[0]-cx)) for xy in verts]) # draw points pts = verts[pt_order, :].reshape(-1, 1, 2).astype(int) tri_img = cv2.polylines(tri_img, [pts], True, 1, thickness, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) return tri_img.astype(float)
[docs] def color_displacement_tri_grid(bk_dx, bk_dy, img=None, n_grid_pts=25, c_range=DXDY_CRANGE, l_range=DXDY_LRANGE, thickness=None, cspace=DXDY_CSPACE): """View how a displacement warps a triangular mesh. """ shape = np.array(bk_dx.shape) grid_spacing = int(np.min(np.round(shape/n_grid_pts))) new_r = shape[0] - shape[0] % grid_spacing + grid_spacing sample_y = np.arange(0, new_r + grid_spacing, grid_spacing) new_c = shape[1] - shape[1] % grid_spacing + grid_spacing sample_x = np.arange(0, new_c + grid_spacing, grid_spacing) padded_shape = np.array([new_r+1, new_c+1]) padding_T = warp_tools.get_padding_matrix(shape, padded_shape) padded_dx = transform.warp(bk_dx, padding_T, output_shape=padded_shape, preserve_range=True) padded_dy = transform.warp(bk_dy, padding_T, output_shape=padded_shape, preserve_range=True) min_dim = np.min(padded_dy.shape) if thickness is None: thickness = int(np.ceil((grid_spacing/min_dim)*15)) if thickness < 1: thickness = 1 tri_verts, tri_faces = warp_tools.get_triangular_mesh(sample_x, sample_y) warped_xy = warp_tools.warp_xy(tri_verts, bk_dxdy=[padded_dx, padded_dy]) inv_T = np.linalg.inv(padding_T) trimesh_img = draw_trimesh(padded_shape, warped_xy, tri_faces, thickness=thickness) trimesh_img = transform.warp(trimesh_img, inv_T, output_shape=shape, preserve_range=True) colored_displacement = color_dxdy(bk_dx, bk_dy, c_range=c_range, l_range=l_range, cspace=cspace) if img is not None: assert img.shape[0:2] == trimesh_img.shape[0:2], print(f"mismatch in shape between `img` {img.shape[0:2]} and displacement fields {trimesh_img.shape[0:2]}") mesh_pos = trimesh_img > 0 out_img = img.copy() out_img[mesh_pos] = colored_displacement[mesh_pos] else: out_img = trimesh_img[..., np.newaxis] * colored_displacement return out_img