Change Log

Version 1.0.4 (February 2, 2024)

  1. Added checks and unit tests to verify reference image is not being warped. Can confirm no transformations were being applied to the reference image, but values may have differed slightly due to interpolation effects, as the reference image was being padded and cropped. To avoid these interpolation effects, the original reference image is returned when “warping” the reference slide with crop="reference", which occurs regardless of the align_to_reference setting. This avoids unnecessary computation and potential interpolation errors. There are still checks to make sure that the warped image would have been the same as the unwarped image.

  2. Merge channels based on the position of each slide in the stack. This will be the same as the original order when imgs_ordered=True.

  3. Can provide colormaps for each slide when calling Valis.warp_and_save_slides

  4. Added pyramid argument to Valis.warp_and_save_slides

  5. Ignore setting series=0 message when there is only 1 series

  6. Updated openCV version in project.toml, as suggested in Github issue 76

  7. Added slide_io.check_xml_img_match to determine if there are mismatches between the xml metadata and the image that was read. If there are mismatches, the metadata will be updated based on the image (instead of the xml) and warning messages will be printed to let the user know about the mismatch.

  8. If a single channel image does not have channel names in the metadata, the channel name will be set to the image’s name.

  9. Added denoise_rigid as an argument to initialize the Valis object. Determines whether or not to denoise the processed images prior to rigid registration. Had been fixed as True in previous versions, but this makes it optional (default remains True).

  10. Fixed issue where merged images were being interpreted as RGB and saved with extra channels (reported in Github issue 76)

Version 1.0.3 (January 25, 2024)

  1. Can specify which slide readers to use for each image by passing a dictionary to the reader_dict argument in Valis.register. The keys, value pairs are image filename and instantiated SlideReader to use to read that file. Valis will try to find an appropriate reader for any omitted files. Can be especially useful in cases where one needs different series for different images, as the series argument is set when the SlideReader is created.

  2. Each Slide is assigned a SlideReader, ensuring that the same series will always be read.

  3. Added traceback messages to critical try/except blocks to help with debugging.

  4. Micro-registration can now use multiple image processors, and so should be able to perform multi-modal registration

  5. Now possible to save the images as non-pyarmid WSI by setting pyramid=False when calling the various slide saving methods (requested in github issue 56).

  6. Tested the slide_io.CziJpgxrReader with more jpegxr compressed czi images, including 3 RGB (2 mosaic, 1 not mosaic), 1 multichannel non-RGB (mosaic), 1 single channel (mosaic). Related to github issue 76.

  7. Added checks to make sure all channel names are in the colormap, addressing github issues 78 and 86 .

  8. Setting colormap=None to the various save functions will not add any color channels, and so the slide viewer’s default colormaps will be used.

  9. Updated slide_io.get_slide_reader to give preference to reading images with libvips/openslide. Should be faster since image will not need to be constructed from tiles.

  10. JVM will only be initialized if bioformats is needed to read the image.

  11. Updated slide_io.VipsSlideReader to use the ome-types pacakge to extract metadata, instead of Bio-formats. Should avoid having to launch JVM unless Bio-formats is really needed.

  12. Added checks to ensure that channels in merged image are in the correct order when imgs_ordered=True, addressing the comment github issue 56 .

  13. Added tests for images with minimal ome-xml (i.e. no channel names, units, etc…)

  14. Removed usage of imghdr, which is being deprecated

  15. Replaced joblib with pqdm. May resolve issue posted on

  16. Removed interpolation and numba packages as dependencies

  17. Updated ome-types’ parser to “lxml”

  18. Merged github pull request 95.

Version 1.0.2 (October 11, 2023)

  1. Fix issue with pip installation, where the pyproject.toml tried to get aicspylibczi from Github, not PyPi

Version 1.0.1 (October 6, 2023)

  1. Bug fixes to functions related to saving slides as ome.tiff

  2. Address numba deprecation warnings

Version 1.0.0 (October 4, 2023)

  1. Added option for high resolution rigid registration using the micro_rigid_registrar.MicroRigidRegistrar class. To use this option, pass an uninstantiated micro_rigid_registrar.MicroRigidRegistrar to micro_rigid_registrar_cls when initializing the Valis object. This class refines the rigid registration by detecting and matching features in higher resolution images warped using the initial rigid transforms. This should result in more accurate rigid registration, error estimates, and hopefully fewer unwanted non-rigid deformations.

  2. Added support for SuperPoint and SuperGlue feature detection and matching

  3. Masks not applied to images for rigid registration. Instead, the masks are used to filter the matches (i.e. keep only matches inside masks).

  4. Added support to extract different Z and T planes using the slide_io.BioFormatsSlideReader.

  5. Non-rigid masks found by combining the intensities of the rigidly aligned images, as opposed to combining the rigid masks. Testing indicates these masks fit more tightly around the tissue, which will translate to having higher resolution images being used for non-rigid registration.

  6. Added the preprocessing.StainFlattener class, which can be used with brightfield images.

  7. Added option for lossy compression by setting the Q parameter using functions that save slides. Confirmed that RGB images saved using lossy JPEG and JPEG2000 compression open as expected in QuPath. Do note that float images saved using these compression methods will get cast to uint8 images. Addresses request made in github issue 60.

  8. Added Valis.draw_matches method to visualize feature matches between each pair of images.

  9. Fixed issue converting big-endian WSI to pyvips.Image (reported on <>_)

  10. Added citation information

  11. Updated docker container to include pytorch

Version 1.0.0rc15 (May 10, 2023)

  1. Added import for aicspylibczi.CziFile in slide_io (found in github issue 44). Also added aicspylibczi to the poetry lock file.

  2. Added src_f argument in Slide.warp_and_save_slide. Previously would end up using the Slide.src_f, and preventing one from being able to warp and save other images using the same transformations (github issue 49).

  3. Various bug fixes to allow the initial non-rigid registration to work with larger images (which may be pyvips.Image objects).

  4. Fixed bug where errors that occurred while reading images would prevent Python from shutting down.

  5. Updated documentation for valis.preprocessing

  6. Added more tests

  7. Fixed many typos in the documentation.

Version 1.0.0rc14 (April 24, 2023)

  1. Added max_ratio as an argument for feature_matcher.match_desc_and_kp (github issue 36).

  2. Added CziJpgxrReader to read CZI images that have JPGXR compression but can’t be opened with Bioformats. It’s very limited and experimental (only tested with single scence RGB), but may be an issue specific to Apple silcon?

  3. Supports scenario where images might be assigned the same name (e.g. same file names, but different directories).

  4. Support tiling for initial non-rigid registration, making it possible to perform non-rigid on much larger images

  5. Skips empty images (github issue 44).

  6. Can now specify an ImageProcesser for each image by passing a dicitonary to the processor_dict argrument of Valis.register. Keys should be the filename of the image, and values a list, where the first element is the ImageProcesser to use, and the second element is a dictionary of keyword argruments passed to ImageProcesser.process_image. This should make it easier to register different image modalities.

  7. Added an H&E color deconvolution ImageProcesser using the method described in M. Macenko et al., ISBI 2009. Generously provided by Github user aelskens (Arthur Elskenson) (PR 42).

  8. Small improvements in valtils functions, provided by Github user ajinkya-kulkarni (Ajinkya Kulkarni) (PR 46).

  9. Docker Images bundled with bioformats jar file, so does not require internet connection or Maven. Also now checks for bioformats jar in valis folder

  10. Fixed bug that threw error when trying to warp an empty Shapely polygon

  11. Fixed bug in micro-registration, related to trying to combine numpy and pyvips images (github issues 40 and 47)

  12. Fixed typo in “max_non_rigid_registration_dim_px”, which was “max_non_rigid_registartion_dim_px” (github issue 39)

  13. Fixed error that caused excessive memory consumption when trying to mask numpy array with pyvips image in preprocessing.norm_img_stats

Version 1.0.0rc13 (January 31, 2023)

  1. Now available as a Docker image

  2. Added methods to transfer geojson annotations, such as those generated by QuPath, from one slide to another (Slide.warp_geojson_from_to and Slide.warp_geojson). Also provide examples in documentation. Addresses github issue 13

  3. Fixed bug reported in github issue 33

  4. Default is to not compose non-rigid transformations, reducing accumulation of unwanted distortions, especially in 3D.

  5. The scale_factor parameter for feature_detectors.VggFD is now set to 5.0, as per the OpenCV documentation

  6. Installlation now uses poetry via the pyproject.toml file. Includes a poetry.lock file, but it can be deleted before installation if so desired.

  7. Removed bioformats_jar as a dependency

  8. Added a datasets page

  9. Moved examples to separate page

Version 1.0.0rc12 (November 7, 2022)

  1. Fixed bug where would get out of bounds errors when cropping with user provided transformations (github issue 14

  2. Fixed bug where feature matches not drawn in correct location in src_img in viz.draw_matches.

  3. Can now check if refelcting/mirroring/flipping images improves alignment by setting check_for_reflections=True when initializing the Valis object. Addresses githib issue 22 (

  4. Channel colors now transfered to registered image (github issue 23 Also option to provide a colormap when saving the slides. This replaces the perceputally_uniform_channel_colors argument

Version 1.0.0rc11 (August 26, 2022)

  1. Fixed bug when providing rigid transformations (Issue 14,

  2. Can now warp one image onto another, making it possible to transfer annotations using labeled images (Issue 13 This can be done using a Slide object’s warp_img_from_to method. See example in examples/

  3. ImageProcesser objects now have a create_mask function that is used to build the masks for rigid registration. These are then used to create the mask used for non-rigid registration, where they are combined such that the final mask is where they overlap and/or touch.

  4. Non-rigid registration performed on higher resolution version of the image. The area inside the non-rigid mask is sliced out such that it encompasses the area inside the mask but has a maximum dimension of Valis.max_non_rigid_registartion_dim_px. This can improve accuracy when the tissue is only a small part of the image. If masks aren’t created, this region will be where all of the slides overalp.

  5. Version used to submit results to the ACROBAT Grand Challenge. Code used to perform registration can be found in examples/ This example also shows how to use and create a custom ImageProcesser and perform micro-registration with a mask.

Version 1.0.0rc10 (August 11, 2022)

  1. Fixed compatibility with updated interpolation package (Issue 12).

Version 1.0.0rc9 (August 4, 2022)

  1. Reduced memory usage for micro-registration and warping. No longer copying memory before warping, and large displacement fields saved as .tiff images instead of .vips images.

  2. Reduced unwanted accumulation of displacements

  3. viz.draw_matches now returns an image instead of a matplotlib pyplot

  4. Pull request 9-11 bug fixes (many thanks to crobbins327 and zindy): Not converting uint16 to uint8 when reading using Bio-Formats or pyvips; fixed rare error when filtering neighbor matches; viz.get_grid consistent on Linux and Windows; typos.

Version 1.0.0rc8 (July 1, 2022)

  1. Now compatible with single channel images. These images are treated as immunofluorescent images, and so custom pre-processing classes and arguments should be passed to if_processing_cls and if_processing_kwargs of the Valis.register method. The current method will perform adaptive histogram equalization and scales the image to 0-255 (see preprocessing.ChannelGetter). Also, since it isn’t possible to determine if the single channel image is a greyscale RGB (light background) or single channel immunofluorescence (or similar with dark background), the background color will not be estimated, meaning that in the registered image the area outside of the warped image will be black (as opposed to the estimated background color). Tissue masks will still be created, but if it seems they are not covering enough area then try setting create_masks to False when initializing the Valis object.

Version 1.0.0rc7 (June 27, 2022)

  1. Can set size of image to be used for non-rigid registration, which may help improve aligment of micro-architectural structures. However this will increase the amount of time it takes to perform non-rigid registration, and will increase amount of memory used during registration, and the size of the pickled :code: Valis object. To change this value, set the max_non_rigid_registartion_dim_px parameter when initializing the Valis object.

  2. Can now do a second non-rigid registartion on higher resolution images, including the full resolution one. This can be done with the Valis.register_micro. If the images are large, they will be sliced into tiles, and then each tile registered with one another. The deformation fields will be saved separately as .vips images within the data folder.

  3. Added registration.load_registrar function to open a Valis object. This should be used instead of pickle.load.

  4. Creating and applying tissue masks before registration. This improves image normalization, reduces the number of poor feature matches, and helps remove unwanted non-rigid deformations (especially around the image edges), all of which improve alignment accuracy. This step can be skipped by setting create_masks to False when initializing the Valis object.

  5. Now possible to directly non-rigidly align to the reference image specified by reference_img_f. This can be done by setting align_to_reference to True when initializing the Valis object. The default is False, which means images will be aligned serially towards the reference image. This option is also available with Valis.register_micro, meaning that one could do a second alignment, but aligning all directly to a reference image.

  6. RANSAC filtered matches found for rigid registration undergo second round of filtering, this time using Tukey’s method to remove matches whose distance after being warped would be considered outliers.

  7. Now have option off whether or not to compose non-rigid transformations. This can be set specifying the compose_non_rigid argument when initialzing the Valis object.

  8. Can provide rigid transformation matrices by passing in a dictionary to the do_rigid parameter when initializing the Valis object. Setting do_rigid to False will completely skip the rigid registration step. See the documentation for initializing the Valis object for more details.

  9. Added examples of how to read slides and use custom transforms

  10. Benchmarked using ANHIR Grand Challenge dataset and posted results on leaderboard.

  11. bioformats_jar has been deprecated, so added support for its replacement, scyjava. However, the default behavior will be to use the bioformats_jar JAR file if it’s already been installed. One can also now specify the JAR file when calling init_jvm.

Version 1.0.0rc6 (April 18, 2022)

  1. More accurate color mixing with fewer artifacts. Affects overlap images and pseudo-colored multi-channel images.

  2. Initializing ‘is_flattended_pyramid’ with False. Pull request #6

  3. Reformatting flattened pyramids to have same datatype as that in metadata.

  4. Saving all images using pyvips. Should be faster.

  5. Using Bio-Formats to read non-RGB ome-tiff. Addresses an issue where converting non-RGB ome-tiff to numpy was very slow.

Version 1.0.0rc5 (April 5, 2022)

  1. Can provide a reference image that the others will be aligned towards. To do this, when initializinig the Valis object, set the reference_img_f argument to be the file name of the reference image. If not set by the user, the reference image will be set as the one at the center of the ordered image stack

  2. Both non-rigid and rigid now align towards a reference image, meaning that reference image will have neither rigid nor non-rigid transformations applied to it.

  3. Two cropping methods. First option is to crop seach registered slides to contain only the areas where all registered images overlap. The second option is to crop the registered slide to contain only the area that intersects with the reference image. It is also possible to not crop an image/slide.

  4. Images are now cropped during the warp, not after, and so is now faster and requires less memory. For example, on a 2018 MacBook Pro with a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, it takes 2-3 minutes to warp and save a 41399 x 43479 RGB image.

  5. Warping of images and slides done using the same function, built around pyvips. Faster, more consistent, and should prevent excessive memory usage.

  6. Fixed bug that caused a crash when warping large ome.tiff images.

  7. Read slides and images using pyvips whenever possible.

  8. Background color now automatically set to be same as the brightest (IHC) or darkest (IF) pixel in the image. Because of this, the “bg_color” argument in the slide warping functions was removed.

  9. Reduced accumulation of unwanted non-rigid deformations

  10. Displacement fields drawn on top of non-rigid registered image to help determine where the deformations occured.

  11. If a slide has multiple series, and a series is not specficed, the slide reader will read the series containing the largest image.