Source code for valis.serial_non_rigid

"""Classes and functions to perform serial non-rigid registration of a set of images


import numpy as np
from skimage import io
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
from time import time
import pathlib
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import pyvips
import inspect

from . import warp_tools
from . import non_rigid_registrars
from . import valtils
from . import serial_rigid
from . import viz
from . import preprocessing
from . import slide_tools

IMG_LIST_KEY = "img_list"
IMG_F_LIST_KEY = "img_f_list"
IMG_NAME_KEY = "name_list"
MASK_LIST_KEY = "mask_list"

def get_matching_xy_from_rigid_registrar(rigid_registrar, ref_img_name=None):
    """Get matching keypoints to use in serial non-rigid registration

    rigid_registrar : SerialRigidRegistrar
        SerialRigidRegistrar that has aligned a series of images

    ref_img_name : str, optional
        Name of image that will be treated as the center of the stack.
        If None, the middle image will be used as the center

    from_to_kp_dict : dict of list
        Key = image name, value = list of matched and aligned keypoints between
        each registered moving image and the registered fixed image.
        Each element in the list contains 2 arrays:

        #. Rigid registered xy in moving/current/from image
        #. Rigid registered xy in fixed/next/to image


    img_f_list = [img_obj.full_img_f for img_obj in rigid_registrar.img_obj_list]
    ref_img_idx = warp_tools.get_ref_img_idx(img_f_list, ref_img_name)
    n_imgs = len(img_f_list)

    from_to_indices = warp_tools.get_alignment_indices(n_imgs, ref_img_idx)
    from_to_kp_dict = {}
    for idx in from_to_indices:

        moving_obj = rigid_registrar.img_obj_list[idx[0]]
        fixed_obj = rigid_registrar.img_obj_list[idx[1]]

        current_match_dict = moving_obj.match_dict[fixed_obj]
        moving_kp = current_match_dict.matched_kp1_xy
        fixed_kp = current_match_dict.matched_kp2_xy

        assert moving_kp.shape[0] == fixed_kp.shape[0]

        registered_moving = warp_tools.warp_xy(moving_kp, M=moving_obj.M)
        registered_fixed = warp_tools.warp_xy(fixed_kp, M=fixed_obj.M)

        from_to_kp_dict[] = [registered_moving, registered_fixed]

    return from_to_kp_dict

def get_imgs_from_dir(src_dir):
    """Get images from source directory.

    src_dir : str
        Location of images to be registered.

    img_list : list of ndarray
        List of images to be registered

    img_f_list : list of str
        List of image file names

    img_names : list of str
        List of names for each image. Created by removing the extension

    mask_list : list of ndarray
        List of masks used for registration

    img_f_list = [f for f in os.listdir(src_dir) if
                  slide_tools.get_img_type(os.path.join(src_dir, f)) is not None]


    img_list = [io.imread(os.path.join(src_dir, f)) for f in img_f_list]

    img_names = [valtils.get_name(f) for f in img_f_list]

    mask_list = [None] * len(img_f_list)

    return img_list, img_f_list, img_names, mask_list

def get_imgs_rigid_reg(serial_rigid_reg):
    """Get images from SerialRigidRegistrar

    serial_rigid_reg : SerialRigidRegistrar
        SerialRigidRegistrar that has rigidly aligned images

    img_list : list of ndarray
        List of images to be registered

    img_f_list : list of str
        List of image file names

    img_names : list of str
        List of names for each image. Created by removing the extension

    mask_list : list of ndarray
        List of masks used for registration

    img_list = [None] * serial_rigid_reg.size
    img_names = [None] * serial_rigid_reg.size
    img_f_list = [None] * serial_rigid_reg.size
    mask_list = [None] * serial_rigid_reg.size

    for i, img_obj in enumerate(serial_rigid_reg.img_obj_list):
        img_list[i] = img_obj.registered_img
        img_names[i] =
        img_f_list[i] = img_obj.full_img_f

        # Moving mask
        temp_mask = np.full_like(img_obj.image, 255)
        img_mask = warp_tools.warp_img(temp_mask, M=img_obj.M,
        mask_list[i] = img_mask

    return img_list, img_f_list, img_names, mask_list

def get_imgs_from_dict(img_dict):
    """Get images from source directory.

    img_dict : dictionary
        Dictionary containing the following key : value pairs

        "img_list" : list of images to register
        "img_f_list" : list of filenames of each image
        "name_list" : list of image names. If not provided, will come from file names
        "mask_list" list of masks for each image

    All of the above are optional, except `img_list`.

    img_list : list of ndarray
        List of images to be registered

    img_f_list : list of str
        List of image file names

    img_names : list of str
        List of names for each image. Created by removing the extension

    mask_list : list of ndarray
        List of masks used for registration

    img_list = img_dict[IMG_LIST_KEY]

    names_provided = IMG_NAME_KEY in img_dict.keys()
    files_provided = IMG_F_LIST_KEY in img_dict.keys()
    masks_provided = MASK_LIST_KEY in img_dict.keys()

    n_imgs = len(img_list)
    if files_provided:
        img_f_list = img_dict[IMG_F_LIST_KEY]
        img_f_list = [None] * n_imgs

    if names_provided:
        img_names = img_dict[IMG_NAME_KEY]
        if files_provided:
            img_names = [valtils.get_name(f) for f in img_f_list]
            img_names = [None] * n_imgs

    if masks_provided:
        mask_list = img_dict[MASK_LIST_KEY]
        mask_list = [None] * n_imgs

    return img_list, img_f_list, img_names, mask_list

[docs] class NonRigidZImage(object): """ Class that store info about an image, including both rigid and non-rigid registration parameters Attributes ---------- image : ndarray Original, unwarped image with shape (P, Q) name : str Name of image. stack_idx : int Position of image in the stack moving_xy : ndarray, optional (V, 2) array containing points in the moving image that correspond to those in the fixed image. If these are provided, non_rigid_reg_class should be a subclass of non_rigid_registrars.NonRigidRegistrarXY fixed_xy : ndarray, optional (V, 2) array containing points in the fixed image that correspond to those in the moving image bk_dxdy : ndarray (2, N, M) numpy array of pixel displacements in the x and y directions from the reference image. dx = bk_dxdy[0], and dy=bk_dxdy[1]. Used to warp images fwd_dxdy : ndarray Inversion of bk_dxdy. dx = fwd_dxdy[0], and dy=fwd_dxdy[1]. Used to warp points warped_grid : ndarray Image showing deformation applied to a regular grid. """
[docs] def __init__(self, reg_obj, image, name, stack_idx, moving_xy=None, fixed_xy=None, mask=None): """ Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Original, unwarped image with shape (P, Q) name : str Name of image. stack_idx : int Position of image in the stack moving_xy : ndarray, optional (V, 2) array containing points in the moving image that correspond to those in the fixed image. If these are provided, non_rigid_reg_class should be a subclass of non_rigid_registrars.NonRigidRegistrarXY fixed_xy : ndarray, optional (V, 2) array containing points in the fixed image that correspond to those in the moving image mask : ndarray, optional Mask covering area to be registered. """ self.reg_obj = reg_obj self.image = image = name self.stack_idx = stack_idx self.moving_xy = moving_xy self.fixed_xy = fixed_xy self.registered_img = None self.warped_grid = None self.bk_dxdy = None self.fwd_dxdy = None self.is_vips = isinstance(image, pyvips.Image) self.shape = self.get_shape(image) mask_shape = self.get_shape(mask) if self.is_vips and not self.check_if_vips(mask): mask = warp_tools.numpy2vips(mask) if np.all(mask_shape == self.shape): mask = warp_tools.resize_img(mask, self.shape) self.mask = mask
def get_shape(self, img): if isinstance(img, pyvips.Image): shape = np.array([img.height, img.width]) else: shape = img.shape[0:2] return shape def check_if_vips(self, img): return isinstance(img, pyvips.Image) def mask_img(self, img, mask): if isinstance(img, pyvips.Image): if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): vips_mask = warp_tools.numpy2vips(mask) else: vips_mask = mask masked_img = (vips_mask == 0).ifthenelse(0, img) else: masked_img = img.copy() masked_img[mask == 0] = 0 return masked_img def mask_dxdy(self, dxdy, mask): if isinstance(dxdy, pyvips.Image): masked_dxdy = self.mask_img(dxdy, mask) else: masked_dxdy = [self.mask_img(dxdy[0], mask), self.mask_img(dxdy[1], mask)] return masked_dxdy def split_params(self, params, non_rigid_reg_class): if params is not None: init_arg_list = inspect.getfullargspec(non_rigid_reg_class.__init__).args reg_arg_list = inspect.getfullargspec(non_rigid_reg_class.register).args init_kwargs = {k:v for k, v in params.items() if k in init_arg_list} reg_kwargs = {k:v for k, v in params.items() if k in reg_arg_list} else: init_kwargs = {} reg_kwargs = {} return init_kwargs, reg_kwargs def calc_deformation(self, registered_fixed_image, non_rigid_reg_class, bk_dxdy=None, params=None, mask=None): """ Finds the non-rigid deformation fields that align this ("moving") image to the "fixed" image Parameters ---------- registered_fixed_image : ndarray Adjacent, aligned image in the stack that this image is being aligned to. Has shape (P, Q) non_rigid_reg_class : NonRigidRegistrar Uninstantiated NonRigidRegistrar class that will be used to calculate the deformation fields between images bk_dxdy : ndarray, optional (2, P, Q) numpy array of pixel displacements in the x and y directions. dx = dxdy[0], and dy=dxdy[1]. Used to warp the registered_img before finding deformation fields. params : dictionary, optional Keyword: value dictionary of parameters to be used in reigstration. Passed to the non_rigid_reg_class' init() method. In the case where simple ITK will be used, params should be a SimpleITK.ParameterMap. Note that numeric values needd to be converted to strings. mask : ndarray, optional 2D array with shape (P,Q) where non-zero pixel values are foreground, and 0 is background, which is ignnored during registration. If None, then all non-zero pixels in images will be used to create the mask. """ if self.reg_obj.from_rigid_reg: rigid_img_obj = self.reg_obj.src.img_obj_dict[] M = rigid_img_obj.M unwarped_shape = rigid_img_obj.image.shape[0:2] og_reg_shape_rc = rigid_img_obj.registered_shape_rc if mask is not None: if isinstance(mask, pyvips.Image): reg_mask = warp_tools.vips2numpy(mask) else: reg_mask = mask.copy() else: reg_mask = None if bk_dxdy is not None: if isinstance(bk_dxdy, list): bk_dxdy = np.array(bk_dxdy) if reg_mask is not None: for_reg_dxdy = self.mask_dxdy(bk_dxdy, reg_mask) else: for_reg_dxdy = bk_dxdy if self.reg_obj.from_rigid_reg: for_reg_dxdy = warp_tools.remove_invasive_displacements(for_reg_dxdy, M=M, src_shape_rc=unwarped_shape, out_shape_rc=og_reg_shape_rc ) moving_img = warp_tools.warp_img(self.image, bk_dxdy=for_reg_dxdy) if reg_mask is not None: # Update mask too reg_mask = warp_tools.warp_img(reg_mask, bk_dxdy=for_reg_dxdy) else: moving_img = self.image.copy() for_reg_dxdy = None if self.is_vips: bk_dxdy =[1], self.shape[0], bands=2) else: bk_dxdy = np.array([np.zeros(self.shape[0:2]), np.zeros(self.shape[0:2])]) init_kwargs, reg_kwargs = self.split_params(params, non_rigid_reg_class) non_rigid_reg = non_rigid_reg_class(params=init_kwargs) if self.moving_xy is not None and self.fixed_xy is not None and \ issubclass(non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_registrars.NonRigidRegistrarXY): if for_reg_dxdy is not None: # Update positions # fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.get_inverse_field(for_reg_dxdy) fixed_xy = warp_tools.warp_xy(self.fixed_xy, M=None, fwd_dxdy=fwd_dxdy) moving_xy = warp_tools.warp_xy(self.moving_xy, M=None, fwd_dxdy=fwd_dxdy) else: fixed_xy = self.fixed_xy moving_xy = self.moving_xy else: fixed_xy = None moving_xy = None xy_args = {"moving_xy": moving_xy, "fixed_xy": fixed_xy} reg_kwargs.update(xy_args) warped_moving, moving_grid_img, moving_bk_dxdy = \ non_rigid_reg.register(moving_img=moving_img, fixed_img=registered_fixed_image, mask=reg_mask, **reg_kwargs) if self.reg_obj.from_rigid_reg: moving_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.remove_invasive_displacements(moving_bk_dxdy, M=M, src_shape_rc=unwarped_shape, out_shape_rc=og_reg_shape_rc ) if not self.check_if_vips(moving_bk_dxdy): if reg_mask is not None: # Only add new transformations moving_bk_dxdy = self.mask_dxdy(moving_bk_dxdy, reg_mask) bk_dxdy_from_ref = np.array([bk_dxdy[0] + moving_bk_dxdy[0], bk_dxdy[1] + moving_bk_dxdy[1]]) else: if reg_mask is not None: moving_bk_dxdy = self.mask_dxdy(moving_bk_dxdy, reg_mask) bk_dxdy_from_ref = bk_dxdy + moving_bk_dxdy img_bk_dxdy = bk_dxdy_from_ref.copy() if reg_mask is not None: img_bk_dxdy = self.mask_dxdy(img_bk_dxdy, reg_mask) if self.reg_obj.from_rigid_reg: img_bk_dxdy = warp_tools.remove_invasive_displacements(img_bk_dxdy, M=M, src_shape_rc=unwarped_shape, out_shape_rc=og_reg_shape_rc ) self.bk_dxdy = img_bk_dxdy if hasattr(non_rigid_reg, "fwd_dxdy"): # Already calculated self.fwd_dxdy = non_rigid_reg.fwd_dxdy else: self.fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.get_inverse_field(self.bk_dxdy) if not self.is_vips: # If dxdy is a pyvips.Image, it's likely the displacement is too large to draw self.warped_grid = viz.color_displacement_grid(*self.bk_dxdy) self.registered_img = warp_tools.warp_img(self.image, bk_dxdy=self.bk_dxdy, out_shape_rc=self.shape) return bk_dxdy_from_ref
[docs] class SerialNonRigidRegistrar(object): """Class that performs serial non-rigid registration, based on results SerialRigidRegistrar A SerialNonRigidRegistrar finds the deformation fields that will non-rigidly align a series of images, using the rigid registration parameters found by a SerialRigidRegistrar object. There are two types of non-rigid registration methods: #. Images are aligned towards a reference image, which may or may not be at the center of the stack. In this case, the image directly "above" the reference image is aligned to the reference image, after which the image 2 steps above the reference image is aligned to the 1st (now aligned) image above the reference image, and so on. The process is similar when aligning images "below" the reference image. #. All images are aligned simultaneously, and so a reference image is not # required. An example is the SimpleElastix groupwise registration. Similar to SerialRigidRegistrar, SerialNonRigidRegistrar creates a list and dictionary of NonRigidZImage objects each of which contains information related to the non-rigid registration, including the original rigid transformation matrices, and the calculated deformation fields. Attributes ---------- name : str, optional Optional name of this SerialNonRigidRegistrar from_rigid_reg : bool Whether or not the images are from a SerialRigidRegistrar ref_image_name : str Name of mage that is being treated as the "center" of the stack. For example, this may be associated with an H+E image that is the 2nd image in a stack of 7 images. size : int Number of images to align shape : tuple of int Shape of each image to register. Must be the same for all images non_rigid_obj_dict : dict Dictionary, where each key is the name of a NonRigidZImage, and the value is the assocatiated NonRigidZImage non_rigid_reg_params: dictionary Dictionary containing parameters {name: value} to be used to initialize the NonRigidRegistrar. In the case where simple ITK is used by the, params should be a SimpleITK.ParameterMap. Note that numeric values nedd to be converted to strings. mask : ndarray Mask used in non-rigid alignments, with shape (P, Q). mask_bbox_xywh : ndarray Bounding box of `mask` (top left x, top left y, width, height) summary : Dataframe Pandas dataframe containing the median distance between matched features before and after registration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, src, reference_img_f=None, moving_to_fixed_xy=None, mask=None, name=None, align_to_reference=False, compose_transforms=True): """ Parameters ---------- src : SerialRigidRegistrar, str, dict A SerialRigidRegistrar object that was used to optimally align a series of images. If a string, it should indicating where the images to be aligned are located. If src is a string, the images should be named such that they are read in the correct order, i.e. each starting with a number. If a dictionary, it should contain the following key, value pairs: "img_list" : list of images to register "img_f_list" : list of filenames of each image "name_list" : list of image names. If not provided, will come from file names "mask_list" list of masks for each image reference_img_f : str, optional Filename of image that will be treated as the center of the stack. If None, the index of the middle image will be returned. moving_to_fixed_xy : dict of list, or bool If `moving_to_fixed_xy` is a dict of list, then Key = image name, value = list of matched keypoints between each moving image and the fixed image. Each element in the list contains 2 arrays: #. Rigid registered xy in moving/current/from image #. Rigid registered xy in fixed/next/to image To deterime which pairs of images will be aligned, use `get_alignment_indices`. Can use `get_imgs_from_dir` to see the order inwhich the images will be read, which will correspond to the indices retuned by `get_alignment_indices`. If `src` is a SerialRigidRegistrar and `moving_to_fixed_xy` is True, then the matching features in the SerialRigidRegistrar will be used. If False, then matching features will not be used. mask : ndarray, bool, optional Mask used for all non-rigid alignments. If an ndarray, it must have the same size as the other images. If True, then the `overlap_mask` in the SerialRigidRegistrar will be used. If False or None, no mask will be used. name : optional Optional name for this SerialNonRigidRegistrar align_to_reference : bool, optional Whether or not images should be aligned to a reference image specified by `reference_img_f`. img_params : dict, optional Dictionary of parameters to be used for each particular image. Useful if images to be registered haven't been processed. Will be passed to `non_rigid_reg_class` init and register functions. key = file name, value= dictionary of keyword arguments and values """ self.src = src if isinstance(src, serial_rigid.SerialRigidRegistrar): self.from_rigid_reg = True elif isinstance(src, str): self.from_rigid_reg = False elif isinstance(src, dict): self.from_rigid_reg = False else: valtils.print_warning(f"src must be either a SerialRigidRegistrar, string, or dictionary") return None = name self.size = 0 self.shape = None self.non_rigid_obj_dict = {} self.non_rigid_obj_list = None self.non_rigid_reg_params = None self.summary = None self.mask = mask self.reference_img_f = None self.ref_img_name = None self.ref_img_idx = None self.compose_transforms = compose_transforms self.align_to_reference = align_to_reference self.generate_non_rigid_obj_list(reference_img_f, moving_to_fixed_xy) if self.align_to_reference is False and reference_img_f is not None: og_ref_name = valtils.get_name(reference_img_f) msg = (f"The reference was specified as {og_ref_name} ", f"but `align_to_reference` is `False`, and so images will be aligned serially. ", f"If you would like all images to be directly aligned to {og_ref_name}, " f"then set `align_to_reference` to `True`") valtils.print_warning(msg)
def get_shape(self, img): if isinstance(img, pyvips.Image): shape = np.array([img.height, img.width]) else: shape = img.shape[0:2] return shape def create_mask(self): temp_mask = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for nr_img_obj in self.non_rigid_obj_list: temp_mask[nr_img_obj.image > 0] = 255 mask = warp_tools.bbox2mask(*warp_tools.xy2bbox( warp_tools.mask2xy(temp_mask)), temp_mask.shape) return mask def set_mask(self, mask): """Set mask and get its bounding box """ if mask is not None: if isinstance(mask, bool) and self.from_rigid_reg: mask = self.src.overlap_mask mask = np.clip(mask.astype(int)*255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) else: mask = self.create_mask() mask_bbox_xywh = warp_tools.xy2bbox(warp_tools.mask2xy(mask)) self.mask = mask self.mask_bbox_xywh = mask_bbox_xywh def generate_non_rigid_obj_list(self, reference_img_f=None, moving_to_fixed_xy=None): """Create non_rigid_obj_list """ if self.from_rigid_reg: img_list, img_f_list, img_names, mask_list = \ get_imgs_rigid_reg(self.src) else: if isinstance(self.src, str): img_list, img_f_list, img_names, mask_list = \ get_imgs_from_dir(self.src) # overwrite `src` because all info now in NonRigidZImages self.src = "dictionary" elif isinstance(self.src, dict): img_list, img_f_list, img_names, mask_list = \ get_imgs_from_dict(self.src) self.size = len(img_list) self.shape = self.get_shape(img_list[0]) if reference_img_f is not None: reference_name = valtils.get_name(reference_img_f) else: reference_name = None ref_img_idx = warp_tools.get_ref_img_idx(img_f_list, reference_name) if reference_img_f is None: reference_img_f = img_f_list[ref_img_idx] self.reference_img_f = reference_img_f self.ref_img_idx = ref_img_idx self.ref_img_name = reference_name if self.from_rigid_reg and isinstance(moving_to_fixed_xy, bool): if moving_to_fixed_xy: moving_to_fixed_xy = \ get_matching_xy_from_rigid_registrar(self.src, reference_name) else: moving_to_fixed_xy = None self.non_rigid_obj_list = [None] * self.size for i, img in enumerate(img_list): img_shape = self.get_shape(img) assert np.all(img_shape == self.shape), \ valtils.print_warning("Images must all have the shape") img_name = img_names[i] mask = mask_list[i] moving_xy = None fixed_xy = None if moving_to_fixed_xy is not None and img_name != reference_img_f: if isinstance(moving_to_fixed_xy, dict): xy_coords = moving_to_fixed_xy[img_name] moving_xy = xy_coords[0] fixed_xy = xy_coords[1] else: msg = "moving_to_fixed_xy is not a dictionary. Will be ignored" valtils.print_warning(msg) nr_obj = NonRigidZImage(self, img, img_name, stack_idx=i, moving_xy=moving_xy, fixed_xy=fixed_xy, mask=mask) if i == ref_img_idx: # Set reference image attributes # zero_displacement = np.zeros(self.shape) if not nr_obj.is_vips: nr_obj.bk_dxdy = [zero_displacement, zero_displacement] nr_obj.fwd_dxdy = [zero_displacement, zero_displacement] nr_obj.warped_grid = viz.color_displacement_grid(*nr_obj.bk_dxdy) else: nr_obj.bk_dxdy =[1], nr_obj.shape[0], bands=2) nr_obj.fwd_dxdy =[1], nr_obj.shape[0], bands=2) nr_obj.registered_img = img.copy() self.non_rigid_obj_list[i] = nr_obj def update_img_params(self, non_rigid_reg_params=None, img_params=None, moving_name=None, fixed_name=None, is_tiler=False): """ Update img params for non-rigid-registration """ if img_params is not None and moving_name is not None: if len(img_params) == 0: indv_img_params = None else: indv_img_params = img_params[moving_name] else: indv_img_params = img_params if is_tiler: #Tiler needs processor arguments for moving and fixed images assert moving_name in img_params and fixed_name in img_params, "Tiled registration requires image processors for each image" moving_dict = img_params[moving_name] indv_img_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_TILE_MOVING_P_KEY] = moving_dict[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PROCESSING_CLASS_KEY] indv_img_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_TILE_MOVING_P_INIT_KW_KEY] = moving_dict[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PROCESSING_INIT_KW_KEY] indv_img_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_TILE_MOVING_P_KW_KEY] = moving_dict[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PROCESSING_KW_KEY] fixed_dict = img_params[fixed_name] indv_img_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_TILE_FIXED_P_KEY] = fixed_dict[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PROCESSING_CLASS_KEY] indv_img_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_TILE_FIXED_P_INIT_KW_KEY] = fixed_dict[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PROCESSING_INIT_KW_KEY] indv_img_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_TILE_FIXED_P_KW_KEY] = fixed_dict[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PROCESSING_KW_KEY] if non_rigid_reg_params is not None and indv_img_params is not None: updated_params = indv_img_params.copy() updated_params[non_rigid_registrars.NR_PARAMS_KEY] = non_rigid_reg_params elif non_rigid_reg_params is not None and indv_img_params is None: updated_params = non_rigid_reg_params elif non_rigid_reg_params is None and indv_img_params is not None: updated_params = indv_img_params else: updated_params = None return updated_params def register_serial(self, non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_reg_params=None, img_params=None): """Non-rigidly align images in serial Parameters ---------- non_rigid_reg_class : NonRigidRegistrar Uninstantiated NonRigidRegistrar class that will be used to calculate the deformation fields between images non_rigid_reg_params: dictionary, optional Dictionary containing parameters {name: value} to be used to initialize `non_rigid_reg_class`. In the case where simple ITK is used by the, params should be a SimpleITK.ParameterMap. Note that numeric values nedd to be converted to strings. """ current_dxdy = None self.non_rigid_reg_params = non_rigid_reg_params iter_order = warp_tools.get_alignment_indices(self.size, self.ref_img_idx) is_tiler = non_rigid_reg_class.__name__ == non_rigid_registrars.NonRigidTileRegistrar.__name__ for moving_idx, fixed_idx in tqdm(iter_order, desc="Finding non-rigid transforms", unit="image"): moving_obj = self.non_rigid_obj_list[moving_idx] fixed_obj = self.non_rigid_obj_list[fixed_idx] if self.compose_transforms: if fixed_obj.stack_idx == self.ref_img_idx: current_dxdy = None else: current_dxdy = updated_dxdy if moving_obj.mask is not None: if self.mask is not None: reg_mask = preprocessing.combine_masks(self.mask, moving_obj.mask, op="and") else: reg_mask = moving_obj.mask elif self.mask is not None: reg_mask = self.mask else: reg_mask is None nr_reg_params = self.update_img_params(non_rigid_reg_params, img_params,,, is_tiler=is_tiler) updated_dxdy = moving_obj.calc_deformation(registered_fixed_image=fixed_obj.registered_img, non_rigid_reg_class=non_rigid_reg_class, bk_dxdy=current_dxdy, params=nr_reg_params, mask=reg_mask ) def register_to_ref(self, non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_reg_params=None, img_params=None): """Non-rigidly align images to a reference image Parameters ---------- non_rigid_reg_class : NonRigidRegistrar Uninstantiated NonRigidRegistrar class that will be used to calculate the deformation fields between images non_rigid_reg_params: dictionary, optional Dictionary containing parameters {name: value} to be used to initialize the NonRigidRegistrar. In the case where simple ITK is used by the, params should be a SimpleITK.ParameterMap. Note that numeric values nedd to be converted to strings. """ self.non_rigid_reg_params = non_rigid_reg_params ref_nr_obj = self.non_rigid_obj_list[self.ref_img_idx] ref_img = ref_nr_obj.image is_tiler = non_rigid_reg_class.__name__ == non_rigid_registrars.NonRigidTileRegistrar.__name__ for moving_idx in tqdm(range(self.size), desc="Finding non-rigid transforms", unit="image"): moving_obj = self.non_rigid_obj_list[moving_idx] if moving_obj.stack_idx == self.ref_img_idx: continue overlap_mask = None nr_reg_params = self.update_img_params(non_rigid_reg_params, img_params,,, is_tiler=is_tiler) moving_obj.calc_deformation(ref_img, non_rigid_reg_class, params=nr_reg_params, mask=overlap_mask) def register_groupwise(self, non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_reg_params=None): """Non-rigidly align images as a group Parameters ---------- non_rigid_reg_class : NonRigidRegistrarGroupwise Uninstantiated NonRigidRegistrar class that will be used to calculate the deformation fields between images non_rigid_reg_params: dictionary, optional Dictionary containing parameters {name: value} to be used to initialize the NonRigidRegistrar. In the case where simple ITK is used by the, params should be a SimpleITK.ParameterMap. Note that numeric values nedd to be converted to strings. """ img_list = [nr_img_obj.image for nr_img_obj in self.non_rigid_obj_list] non_rigid_reg = non_rigid_reg_class(params=non_rigid_reg_params) print("\n======== Registering images (non-rigid)\n") warped_imgs, warped_grids, backward_deformations = non_rigid_reg.register(img_list, self.mask) for i, nr_img_obj in tqdm(enumerate(self.non_rigid_obj_list), desc="Aligning images", unit="annotation"): nr_img_obj.registered_img = warped_imgs[i] nr_img_obj.bk_dxdy = backward_deformations[i] nr_img_obj.warped_grid = viz.color_displacement_grid(*nr_img_obj.bk_dxdy) nr_img_obj.fwd_dxdy = warp_tools.get_inverse_field(nr_img_obj.bk_dxdy)
[docs] def register(self, non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_reg_params, img_params=None): """Non-rigidly align images, either as a group or serially Images will be registered serially if `non_rigid_reg_class` is a subclass of NonRigidRegistrarGroupwise, then groupwise registration will be conductedd. If `non_rigid_reg_class` is a subclass of NonRigidRegistrar then images will be aligned serially. Parameters ---------- non_rigid_reg_class : NonRigidRegistrar, NonRigidRegistrarGroupwise Uninstantiated NonRigidRegistrar or NonRigidRegistrarGroupwise class that will be used to calculate the deformation fields between images non_rigid_reg_params: dictionary, optional Dictionary containing parameters {name: value} to be used to initialize the NonRigidRegistrar. In the case where simple ITK is used by the, params should be a SimpleITK.ParameterMap. Note that numeric values nedd to be converted to strings. img_params : dict, optional Dictionary of parameters to be used for each particular image. Useful if images to be registered haven't been processed. Will be passed to `non_rigid_reg_class` init and register functions. key = file name, value= dictionary of keyword arguments and values """ if img_params is not None: named_img_params = {valtils.get_name(k):v for k, v in img_params.items()} else: named_img_params = None if issubclass(non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_registrars.NonRigidRegistrarGroupwise): self.register_groupwise(non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_reg_params) elif self.align_to_reference: self.register_to_ref(non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_reg_params, img_params=named_img_params) else: self.register_serial(non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_reg_params, img_params=named_img_params) self.non_rigid_obj_dict = { img_obj for img_obj in self.non_rigid_obj_list}
[docs] def summarize(self): """Summarize alignment error Returns ------- summary_df: Dataframe Pandas dataframe containin the registration error of the alignment between each image and the previous one in the stack. """ src_img_names = [None] * self.size dst_img_names = [None] * self.size shape_list = [None] * self.size og_med_d_list = [None] * self.size og_tre_list = [None] * self.size med_d_list = [None] * self.size tre_list = [None] * self.size src_img_names[self.ref_img_idx] = self.ref_img_name shape_list[self.ref_img_idx] = self.non_rigid_obj_list[self.ref_img_idx].image.shape iter_order = warp_tools.get_alignment_indices(self.size, self.ref_img_idx) print("\n======== Summarizing registration\n") for moving_idx, fixed_idx in tqdm(iter_order): moving_obj = self.non_rigid_obj_list[moving_idx] fixed_obj = self.non_rigid_obj_list[fixed_idx] src_img_names[moving_idx] = dst_img_names[moving_idx] = shape_list[moving_idx] = moving_obj.image.shape og_tre_list[moving_idx], og_med_d_list[moving_idx] = \ warp_tools.measure_error(moving_obj.moving_xy, moving_obj.fixed_xy, moving_obj.image.shape) warped_moving_xy = warp_tools.warp_xy(moving_obj.moving_xy, M=None, fwd_dxdy=moving_obj.fwd_dxdy) warped_fixed_xy = warp_tools.warp_xy(moving_obj.fixed_xy, M=None, fwd_dxdy=moving_obj.fwd_dxdy) tre_list[moving_idx], med_d_list[moving_idx] = \ warp_tools.measure_error(warped_moving_xy, warped_fixed_xy, moving_obj.image.shape) summary_df = pd.DataFrame({ "from": src_img_names, "to": dst_img_names, "original_D": og_med_d_list, "D": med_d_list, "original_TRE": og_tre_list, "TRE": tre_list, "shape": shape_list, }) to_summarize_idx = [i for i in range(self.size) if i != self.ref_img_idx] summary_df["series_d"] = warp_tools.calc_total_error(np.array(med_d_list)[to_summarize_idx]) summary_df["series_tre"] = warp_tools.calc_total_error(np.array(tre_list)[to_summarize_idx]) summary_df["name"] = self.summary_df = summary_df return summary_df
[docs] def register_images(src, non_rigid_reg_class=non_rigid_registrars.OpticalFlowWarper, non_rigid_reg_params=None, dst_dir=None, reference_img_f=None, moving_to_fixed_xy=None, mask=None, name=None, align_to_reference=False, img_params=None, compose_transforms=True, qt_emitter=None): """ Parameters ---------- src : SerialRigidRegistrar, str Either a SerialRigidRegistrar object that was used to optimally align a series of images, or a string indicating where the images to be aligned are located. If src is a string, the images should be named such that they are read in the correct order, i.e. each starting with a number. non_rigid_reg_class : NonRigidRegistrar Uninstantiated NonRigidRegistrar class that will be used to calculate the deformation fields between images. By default this is an OpticalFlowWarper that uses the OpenCV implementation of DeepFlow. non_rigid_reg_params: dictionary, optional Dictionary containing parameters {name: value} to be used to initialize the NonRigidRegistrar. In the case where simple ITK is used by the, params should be a SimpleITK.ParameterMap. Note that numeric values nedd to be converted to strings. dst_dir : str, optional Top directory where aliged images should be save. SerialNonRigidRegistrar will be in this folder, and aligned images in the "registered_images" sub-directory. If None, the images will not be written to file reference_img_f : str, optional Filename of image that will be treated as the center of the stack. If None, the index of the middle image will be returned. moving_to_fixed_xy : dict of list, or bool If `moving_to_fixed_xy` is a dict of list, then Key = image name, value = list of matched keypoints between each moving image and the fixed image. Each element in the list contains 2 arrays: #. Rigid registered xy in moving/current/from image #. Rigid registered xy in fixed/next/to image To deterime which pairs of images will be aligned, use `warp_tools.get_alignment_indices`. Can use `get_imgs_from_dir` to see the order inwhich the images will be read, which will correspond to the indices retuned by `warp_tools.get_alignment_indices`. If `src` is a SerialRigidRegistrar and `moving_to_fixed_xy` is True, then the matching features in the SerialRigidRegistrar will be used. If False, then matching features will not be used. mask : ndarray, bool, optional Mask used in non-rigid alignments. If an ndarray, it must have the same size as the other images. If True, then the `overlap_mask` in the SerialRigidRegistrar will be used. If False or None, no mask will be used. name : optional Optional name for this SerialNonRigidRegistrar align_to_reference : bool, optional Whether or not images should be aligne to a reference image specified by `reference_img_f`. Will be set to True if `reference_img_f` is provided. img_params : dict, optional Dictionary of parameters to be used for each particular image. Useful if images to be registered haven't been processed. Will be passed to `non_rigid_reg_class` init and register functions. key = file name, value= dictionary of keyword arguments and values qt_emitter : PySide2.QtCore.Signal, optional Used to emit signals that update the GUI's progress bars Returns ------- nr_reg : SerialNonRigidRegistrar SerialNonRigidRegistrar that has registeredt the images in `src` """ tic = time() nr_reg = SerialNonRigidRegistrar(src=src, reference_img_f=reference_img_f, moving_to_fixed_xy=moving_to_fixed_xy, mask=mask, name=name, align_to_reference=align_to_reference, compose_transforms=compose_transforms) nr_reg.register(non_rigid_reg_class, non_rigid_reg_params, img_params=img_params) if dst_dir is not None: registered_img_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, "non_rigid_registered_images") registered_data_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, "data") registered_grids_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, "deformation_grids") for d in [registered_img_dir, registered_data_dir, registered_grids_dir]: pathlib.Path(d).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) print("\n======== Saving results\n") if moving_to_fixed_xy is not None: summary_df = nr_reg.summarize() summary_file = os.path.join(registered_data_dir, name + "_results.csv") summary_df.to_csv(summary_file, index=False) pickle_file = os.path.join(registered_data_dir, name + "_non_rigid_registrar.pickle") pickle.dump(nr_reg, open(pickle_file, 'wb')) for img_obj in nr_reg.non_rigid_obj_list: f_out = f"{}.png" io.imsave(os.path.join(registered_img_dir, f_out), img_obj.registered_img.astype(np.uint8)) colord_tri_grid = viz.color_displacement_tri_grid(img_obj.bk_dxdy[0], img_obj.bk_dxdy[1]) io.imsave(os.path.join(registered_grids_dir, f_out), colord_tri_grid) toc = time() elapsed = toc - tic time_string, time_units = valtils.get_elapsed_time_string(elapsed) print(f"\n======== Non-rigid registration complete in {time_string} {time_units}\n") return nr_reg