Source code for valis.feature_detectors

"""Functions and classes to detect and describe image features

Bundles OpenCV feature detectors and descriptors into the FeatureDD class

Also makes it easier to mix and match feature detectors and descriptors
from different pacakges (e.g. skimage and OpenCV). See CensureVggFD for
an example


import cv2
from skimage import feature, exposure
import numpy as np
import torch
import traceback

from . import valtils
from .superglue_models import superpoint

"""The default OpenCV feature detector"""

"""Maximum number of image features that will be recorded. If the number
of features exceeds this value, the MAX_FEATURES features with the
highest response will be returned."""

[docs] def filter_features(kp, desc, n_keep=MAX_FEATURES): """Get keypoints with highest response Parameters ---------- kp : list List of cv2.KeyPoint detected by an OpenCV feature detector. desc : ndarray 2D numpy array of keypoint descriptors, where each row is a keypoint and each column a feature. n_keep : int Maximum number of features that are retained. Returns ------- Keypoints and and corresponding descriptors that the the n_keep highest responses. """ response = np.array([x.response for x in kp]) keep_idx = np.argsort(response)[::-1][0:n_keep] return [kp[i] for i in keep_idx], desc[keep_idx, :]
[docs] class FeatureDD(object): """Abstract class for feature detection and description. User can create other feature detectors as subclasses, but each must return keypoint positions in xy coordinates along with the descriptors for each keypoint. Note that in some cases, such as KAZE, kp_detector can also detect features. However, in other cases, there may need to be a separate feature detector (like BRISK or ORB) and feature descriptor (like VGG). Attributes ---------- kp_detector : object Keypoint detetor, by default from OpenCV kp_descriptor : object Keypoint descriptor, by default from OpenCV kp_detector_name : str Name of keypoint detector kp_descriptor : str Name of keypoint descriptor Methods ------- detectAndCompute(image, mask=None) Detects and describes keypoints in image """
[docs] def __init__(self, kp_detector=None, kp_descriptor=None): """ Parameters ---------- kp_detector : object Keypoint detetor, by default from OpenCV kp_descriptor : object Keypoint descriptor, by default from OpenCV """ self.kp_detector = kp_detector self.kp_descriptor = kp_descriptor if kp_descriptor is not None and kp_detector is not None: # User provides both a detector and descriptor # self.kp_descriptor_name = kp_descriptor.__class__.__name__ self.kp_detector_name = kp_detector.__class__.__name__ if kp_descriptor is None and kp_detector is not None: # Will be using kp_descriptor for detectAndCompute # kp_descriptor = kp_detector kp_detector = None if kp_descriptor is not None and kp_detector is None: # User provides a descriptor, which must also be able to detect # self.kp_descriptor_name = kp_descriptor.__class__.__name__ self.kp_detector_name = self.kp_descriptor_name try: _img = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.uint8) kp_descriptor.detectAndCompute(_img, mask=None) except: traceback_msg = traceback.format_exc() msg = f"{self.kp_descriptor_name} unable to both detect and compute features. Setting to {DEFAULT_FEATURE_DETECTOR.__class__.__name__}" valtils.print_warning(msg, traceback_msg=traceback_msg) self.kp_detector = DEFAULT_FEATURE_DETECTOR
[docs] def detect_and_compute(self, image, mask=None): """Detect the features in the image Detect the features in the image using the defined kp_detector, then describe the features using the kp_descriptor. The user can override this method so they don't have to use OpenCV's Keypoint class. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Image in which the features will be detected. Should be a 2D uint8 image if using OpenCV mask : ndarray, optional Binary image with same shape as image, where foreground > 0, and background = 0. If provided, feature detection will only be performed on the foreground. Returns ------- kp : ndarry (N, 2) array positions of keypoints in xy corrdinates for N keypoints desc : ndarry (N, M) array containing M features for each of the N keypoints """ image = exposure.rescale_intensity(image, out_range=(0, 255)).astype(np.uint8) if self.kp_detector is not None: detected_kp = self.kp_detector.detect(image) kp, desc = self.kp_descriptor.compute(image, detected_kp) else: kp, desc = self.kp_descriptor.detectAndCompute(image, mask=mask) if desc.shape[0] > MAX_FEATURES: kp, desc = filter_features(kp, desc) kp_pos_xy = np.array([ for k in kp]) return kp_pos_xy, desc
# Thin wrappers around OpenCV detectors and descriptors # class OrbFD(FeatureDD): """Uses ORB for feature detection and description""" def __init__(self, kp_descriptor=cv2.ORB_create(MAX_FEATURES)): super().__init__(kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
[docs] class BriskFD(FeatureDD): """Uses BRISK for feature detection and description""" def __init__(self, kp_descriptor=cv2.BRISK_create()): super().__init__(kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
[docs] class KazeFD(FeatureDD): """Uses KAZE for feature detection and description""" def __init__(self, kp_descriptor=cv2.KAZE_create(extended=False)): super().__init__(kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
[docs] class AkazeFD(FeatureDD): """Uses AKAZE for feature detection and description""" def __init__(self, kp_descriptor=cv2.AKAZE_create()): super().__init__(kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
[docs] class DaisyFD(FeatureDD): """Uses BRISK for feature detection and DAISY for feature description""" def __init__(self, kp_detector=DEFAULT_FEATURE_DETECTOR, kp_descriptor=cv2.xfeatures2d.DAISY_create()): super().__init__(kp_detector=kp_detector, kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
[docs] class LatchFD(FeatureDD): """Uses BRISK for feature detection and LATCH for feature description""" def __init__(self, kp_detector=DEFAULT_FEATURE_DETECTOR, kp_descriptor=cv2.xfeatures2d.LATCH_create(rotationInvariance=True)): super().__init__(kp_detector=kp_detector, kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
[docs] class BoostFD(FeatureDD): """Uses BRISK for feature detection and Boost for feature description""" def __init__(self, kp_detector=DEFAULT_FEATURE_DETECTOR, kp_descriptor=cv2.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc_create()): super().__init__(kp_detector=kp_detector, kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
[docs] class VggFD(FeatureDD): """Uses BRISK for feature detection and VGG for feature description""" def __init__(self, kp_detector=DEFAULT_FEATURE_DETECTOR, kp_descriptor=cv2.xfeatures2d.VGG_create(scale_factor=5.0)): super().__init__(kp_detector=kp_detector, kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
[docs] class OrbVggFD(FeatureDD): """Uses ORB for feature detection and VGG for feature description""" def __init__(self, kp_detector=cv2.ORB_create(nfeatures=MAX_FEATURES, fastThreshold=0), kp_descriptor=cv2.xfeatures2d.VGG_create(scale_factor=0.75)): super().__init__(kp_detector=kp_detector, kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor)
# Example of a custom detector that uses the Censure feature detector # from scikit-image along with the KAZE descriptor (OpenCV) class FeatureDetector(object): """Abstract class that detects features in an image Features should be returned in a list of OpenCV cv2.KeyPoint objects. Useful if wanting to use a non-OpenCV feature detector Attributes ---------- detector : object Object that can detect image features. Methods ------- detect(image) Interface --------- Required methods are: detect """ def __init__(self): self.detector = None def detect(self, image): """ Use detector to detect features, and return keypoints as XY Returns --------- kp : KeyPoints List of OpenCV KeyPoint objects """ pass # Example of how to create a feature detector using OpenCV + skimage # class SkCensureDetector(FeatureDetector): """A CENSURE feature detector from scikit image This scikit-image feature detecotr can be used with an OpenCV feature descriptor """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.detector = feature.CENSURE(**kwargs) def detect(self, image): """ Detect keypoints in image using CENSURE. See Uses keypoint info to create KeyPoint objects for OpenCV Paramters --------- image : ndarray image from keypoints will be detected Returns --------- kp : KeyPoints List of OpenCV KeyPoint objects """ self.detector.detect(image) # Skimage returns keypoints as row, col, but need to be returned as xy kp_xy = self.detector.keypoints[:, ::-1].astype(float) # Now create a list of OpenCV KeyPoint objects with these coordinates kp = cv2.KeyPoint_convert(kp_xy.tolist()) return kp class CensureVggFD(FeatureDD): def __init__(self, kp_detector=SkCensureDetector(mode="Octagon", max_scale=8, non_max_threshold=0.02), kp_descriptor=cv2.xfeatures2d.VGG_create(scale_factor=6.25)): super().__init__(kp_detector=kp_detector, kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor) self.kp_descriptor_name = self.__class__.__name__ self.kp_detector_name = self.__class__.__name__ # Example of a custom detector and descriptor using scikit-image # class SkDaisy(FeatureDD): def __init__(self, dasiy_arg_dict=None): """ Create FeatureDD that uses scikit-image's dense DASIY """ self.dasiy_arg_dict = {"step": 4, "radius": 15, "rings": 3, "histograms": 8, "orientations": 8, "normalization": "l1", "sigmas": None, "ring_radii": None, "visualize": False } if dasiy_arg_dict is not None: self.dasiy_arg_dict.update(dasiy_arg_dict) self.kp_descriptor_name = self.__class__.__name__ self.kp_detector_name = self.__class__.__name__ def detect_and_compute(self, image, mask=None): descs = feature.daisy(image, **self.dasiy_arg_dict) # Keypoints in a regular grid, and each point has a feature array # # Below determines grid and then gets features rows = np.arange(0, descs.shape[0]) cols = np.arange(0, descs.shape[1]) all_rows, all_cols = np.meshgrid(rows, cols) all_rows = all_rows.reshape(-1) all_cols = all_cols.reshape(-1) n_samples = len(all_rows) flat_desc = [descs[all_rows[i]][all_cols[i]] for i in range(n_samples)] desc2d = np.vstack(flat_desc) step = self.dasiy_arg_dict["step"] radius = self.dasiy_arg_dict["radius"] feature_x = all_cols * step + radius feature_y = all_rows * step + radius kp_xy = np.dstack([feature_x, feature_y])[0] return kp_xy, desc2d
[docs] class SuperPointFD(FeatureDD): """SuperPoint `FeatureDD` Use SuperPoint to detect and describe features (`detect_and_compute`) Adapted from References ----------- Paul-Edouard Sarlin, Daniel DeTone, Tomasz Malisiewicz, and Andrew Rabinovich. SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks. In CVPR, 2020. """ def __init__(self, keypoint_threshold=0.005, nms_radius=4, force_cpu=False, kp_descriptor=None, kp_detector=None): """ Parameters ---------- keypoint_threshold : float SuperPoint keypoint detector confidence threshold nms_radius : int SuperPoint Non Maximum Suppression (NMS) radius (must be positive) force_cpu : bool Force pytorch to run in CPU mode kp_descriptor : optional, OpenCV feature desrciptor """ super().__init__(kp_detector=kp_detector, kp_descriptor=kp_descriptor) self.keypoint_threshold = keypoint_threshold self.nms_radius = nms_radius self.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() and not force_cpu else "cpu" if kp_detector is None: self.kp_detector_name = "SuperPoint" self.kp_detector = None else: self.kp_detector_name = kp_detector.__class__.__name__ if kp_descriptor is None: self.kp_descriptor_name = "SuperPoint" self.kp_descriptor = None else: self.kp_descriptor_name = kp_descriptor.__class__.__name__ self.config = { 'superpoint': { 'nms_radius': self.nms_radius, 'keypoint_threshold': self.keypoint_threshold, 'max_keypoints': MAX_FEATURES }} def frame2tensor(self, img): tensor = torch.from_numpy(img/255.).float()[None, None].to(self.device) return tensor def detect(self, img): if self.kp_detector is None: kp_pos_xy, _ = self.detect_and_compute_sg(img) else: kp = self.kp_detector.detect(img) kp_pos_xy = np.array([ for k in kp]) return kp_pos_xy def compute(self, img, kp_pos_xy): if self.kp_descriptor is None: sp = superpoint.SuperPoint(self.config["superpoint"]) x = sp.relu(sp.conv1a(self.frame2tensor(img))) x = sp.relu(sp.conv1b(x)) x = sp.pool(x) x = sp.relu(sp.conv2a(x)) x = sp.relu(sp.conv2b(x)) x = sp.pool(x) x = sp.relu(sp.conv3a(x)) x = sp.relu(sp.conv3b(x)) x = sp.pool(x) x = sp.relu(sp.conv4a(x)) x = sp.relu(sp.conv4b(x)) cDa = sp.relu(sp.convDa(x)) descriptors = sp.convDb(cDa) descriptors = torch.nn.functional.normalize(descriptors, p=2, dim=1) descriptors = [superpoint.sample_descriptors(k[None], d[None], 8)[0] for k, d in zip([torch.from_numpy(kp_pos_xy.astype(np.float32))], descriptors)] descriptors = descriptors[0].detach().numpy().T else: kp = cv2.KeyPoint_convert(kp_pos_xy.tolist()) kp, descriptors = self.kp_descriptor.compute(img, kp) if descriptors.shape[0] > MAX_FEATURES: kp, descriptors = filter_features(kp, descriptors) kp_pos_xy = np.array([ for k in kp]) return descriptors def detect_and_compute_sg(self, img): inp = self.frame2tensor(img) superpoint_obj = superpoint.SuperPoint(self.config.get('superpoint', {})) pred = superpoint_obj({'image': inp}) pred = {**pred, **{k+'0': v for k, v in pred.items()}} kp_pos_xy = pred['keypoints'][0].detach().numpy() desc = pred['descriptors'][0].detach().numpy().T return kp_pos_xy, desc def detect_and_compute(self, img): if self.kp_detector is None and self.kp_descriptor is None: kp_pos_xy, desc = self.detect_and_compute_sg(img) else: kp_pos_xy = self.detect(img) desc = self.compute(img, kp_pos_xy) return kp_pos_xy, desc